Written by: Heather Hunter, Synergize, Marketing and Communications Coordinator.

The Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) Community Foundation and Carmel-based Synergize have partnered to benefit local families this November. Synergize’s monthly 4:30 Meetups raise funds for local nonprofits. Proceeds from their next event on November 10th will fund the HCSO Community Foundation’s Shop with a Cop program and other initiatives.

“Some kids may not get a Christmas gift at all,” says Tom Logan, Captain Patrol division. “If we can take them out and make their Christmas just a little bit better, I think that’s very important.”

The HCSO Community Foundation aims to create strong, positive relationships between the Sheriff’s Office and the community. Through Shop with a Cop, children have a fun day with deputies while giving officers a personal link to the community they serve.

“Sometimes the kids come from families where the interactions don’t always seem positive,” John Lowes, Chief Deputy, points out. “This is an opportunity for them to see not only a positive side of the Sheriff’s Office, but also see that the deputies are just regular people like themselves.”

In addition to Shop with a Cop, the HCSO Community Foundation shops with local children for school supplies in the fall. The Foundation has also partnered with Gleaner’s Food Bank, the Special Olympics, and the Good Samaritan Network, among other organizations.

Throughout the pandemic, the HCSO has been working with the Shepherd’s Center to deliver groceries and medication to elderly members of the community. “The fantastic deputies have been doing our weekly grocery shopping for all of our clients and community members who need it, and then they go out and deliver the groceries every Thursday morning,” explains Shepherd’s Center Program Assistant Lisa Albano. “It’s really streamlined the process for us.”

The HCSO shares this commitment to community impact with Synergize. The relationship-building business constantly looks for new ways to give back.  “It’s not about what you are, it’s about what you do for others, because of who you are,” says Arron Stanton, Founder of Synergize. “Sheriff Quakenbush has a genuine passion for helping people and the HCSO Community Foundation is the embodiment of Synergize.”

Synergize is a networking organization focused on building valuable friendships over business deals. Their community of leaders, whose life goals focus on legacy rather than net worth, rally monthly around a local cause at their 4:30 Meetup events. To start a relationship with Synergize and join their movement of impact-centered connection, visit www.synergizeindy.com.