Video becomes a beacon of Hope, as pandemic starts to turn the world upside down.

“There’s no doubt all of Carmel has felt an impact from the COVID-19 pandemic in some way.” Mayor Brainard, “Normal life has been shaken, social distancing has forced separation and everyone still faces uncertainties, Brainard continues, “No one is in this alone; everyone is in this together.”

Carmel-based Synergize created the accompanying video to encourage hope in the community, the people and the businesses of the city.  Synergize believes there is nothing more important than the value of relationships.

“Here’s the thing” explained Stanton, “Everybody loves a good Comeback Story!”

Now more than ever, relationships are the one thing to which everyone should cling. Carmel was united before this time, it is united through this time, and it will emerge united from of this time. 

Arron Stanton, Synergize’s chief relationship officer, worked with Synergize member Eric Dycus of Dycus Vision to produce this video. Narration is by Stanton, Carmel Mayor Jim Brainard and Carmel City Council member Jeff Worrell.

Learn about this Relationships Over Everything movement at: