Written By: Heather Hunter, Synergize, Marketing and Communications Coordinator

Like many, Carmel based Synergize is starting 2021 with a common resolution: make fitness a priority. However, they’re not hitting the gym. Instead, they’re partnering with a Carmel nonprofit, Roundabout Fitness. Synergize will support the organization at their first 4:30 Meetup of the year.

In 2020, Synergize raised over $35,000 for local nonprofit organizations. As part of their Ripples of Impact (ROI) initiative for 2021, they plan to raise $60,000.  

“I always say that businesses should exist to build friendships between people and create a positive difference in the world,”  explained Synergize Founder Arron Stanton. “When I look at Samantha and the impacts Roundabout Fitness is making in peoples lives, there’s no better example for me to point to.”

Roundabout Fitness was founded in March 2020 by Samantha LaMar, a member of Synergize. At the beginning of the pandemic, she decided to create a fitness challenge on Facebook for those quarantining at home. “It was an alternative to all the binge-watching TV that people were doing while on lockdown.” LaMar, a personal trainer, explained. 

At first, her challenges were fitness-centered. But LaMar soon noticed that she could serve her viewers in other ways, too. “I saw a need to help with the stress and depression that came out of the shutdown,” she said. 

She asked a psychiatrist and local professionals in the fitness industry to answer questions on Facebook about ways her viewers could stay both physically and mentally healthy. “It seemed like a great way to help the community and small businesses,” LaMar, a Carmel resident, explained.

LaMar also wanted to help her clients achieve financial health. “I’ve experienced the stress of managing money. There’s freedom in having control of your finances,” she said. 

She combined the three in Roundabout Fitness. The organization offers clients the opportunity to build skills with local physical, financial, and mental health professionals. The organization also provides monthly workshops, weekly support groups, and community challenges.

Throughout a year of difficult personal losses for LaMar, she has found strength in Synergize. Members of the group, who make up most of her advisory board, have encouraged her growth. “They are some of the best friends and supporters I have ever had, and I wouldn’t have known them without having met them through Synergize,” she said.

As a business that builds relationships to make an impact, Synergize became exactly what LaMar needed through 2020.

“God used the Synergize family to keep me from going completely under,” she admitted. “The relationships built through Synergize kept me busy and focused so I could accomplish what God placed in my heart to do.” 

Roundabout Fitness Founder

About Roundabout Fitness: Roundabout Fitness is here to help you get control over your life no matter where you are, without judgement. We will do all we can do to supply you with real resources to get you where you want and need to be, physically, financially, and mentally. Contact our staff at www.roundaboutfitness.net, or call (317) 809 – 0515. 

About Synergize: Synergize brings together professionals who would rather build friendships and change the world, than sling business cards and try to close deals. Their members rally around a monthly cause at 4:30 Meetup events. Learn more at www.synergizeindy.com/about