Written By: Heather Hunter, Synergize, Marketing and Communications Coordinator

Do you, like 50% of adults, reach for your phone sometime in the first ten minutes after you wake up? If the answer is yes, you might be bombarding your freshly wakened brain with negative, sensationalist news, stressful work emails, and inflammatory social media posts.

Subscribers to Good Day Carmel, however, get to wake up to a daily dose of positivity in their inboxes. Good Day Carmel has been spreading Ripples of Impact in the form of daily good news since 2014. In their daily E-newsletter, the nonprofit compiles stories of happy news from citizens of Carmel, Indiana, and distributes it to a wide audience of followers. 

Anyone can report good news to Good Day Carmel by visiting their website. Stories about local people, businesses, or organizations making an impact in the Carmel community (or even tips for happy Carmel living) are perfect submissions. You might even see some Synergize content pop up from time to time! 

Subscribe to Good Day Carmel here.