Written By: Heather Hunter, Synergize, Marketing and Communications Coordinator

During March, Synergize has partnered with Make-A-Wish Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana to help fulfill a child’s wish. The professional group will raise funds for Make-A-Wish at their next 4:30 Meetup. These monthly events, where the group’s members gather to support a nonprofit cause, have raised thousands of dollars for Synergize’s partner organizations. 

Since 1980, Make-A-Wish has granted hundreds of thousands of life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses. By granting wishes, Make-A-Wish renews a child’s sense of hope and unites their community. According to several studies and physicians who work with wish kids, a granted wish can also improve the child’s physical and emotional health.

“These kids are battling unimaginable circumstances,” said Amy Nelson, CFRM, Indiana Director of Advancement at Make-A-Wish. “To dream beyond their circumstances, to imagine something bigger, can really be a turning point in their fight.” In fact, 74% of wish parents identify their child’s wish as a pivotal moment in their child’s response to treatment. 

Pre-Covid, 80% of the wishes Make-A-Wish received involved out-of-state travel. Over the past year, the organization has been inviting children to reimagine their wishes. While some chose to wait until travel became safer, others kept their wishes closer to home. Bedroom makeovers, online shopping sprees, and new playsets have been especially popular over the past several months.

“We try to recreate a travel wish as closely as we can. For example, if a child has a beach wish, we’ll do a house on Lake Michigan,” Nelson explained. “We still want to keep the true heart of each child’s wish at the forefront.” Recently, Make-A-Wish regained the ability to grant wishes that involve 8-10 hours of travel by car. It’s a promising indication that the environment is becoming safer for travel wishes. 

In fact, Make-A-Wish is planning to grant wishes at an unprecedented rate once it becomes safe to do so. Because of postponements, more than 550 children are waiting for wishes. Financial support is becoming increasingly important as the organization prepares to take on the demand. Right now, they’re following national and international guidelines to determine when that moment will come.

Although Make-A-Wish relies on donations to grant wishes, they also need volunteers from the community surrounding the child. Physical laborers are essential to grant project-based wishes, like most that take place at home. Often, local businesses will also offer discounted or free products to help grant a wish. It’s a great opportunity for a community to come together in support of a child.

Although Make-A-Wish Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana reaches across three states, the funds raised at the March 4:30 Meetup will stay local. Synergize prioritizes supporting nonprofit organizations with a strong impact in Carmel and the surrounding Indiana communities. “Because of Make-A-Wish, kids get that sense of community in a situation where they feel completely alone,” said Synergize Founder, Arron Stanton. “It’s about giving kids hope and inspiration, but it’s also showing them that there’s a community to stand behind them and help them fight through their illnesses.”

Community is a pillar of Synergize, in the form of lifelong relationships that create lasting impact. It’s the reason why they support organizations like Make-A-Wish, whose work creates transformative memories for children. As Nelson points out, “A wish is not just a moment in time. It’s not just a trip or vacation. These kids have to grow up so fast, and this gives them a chance to really become a kid again.”

About Make-A-Wish Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana

Every 20 minutes, a child is diagnosed with a critical illness. Make-A-Wish provides what medicine cannot – extraordinary and memorable experiences that allow children to take their focus off the illness and provide a sense of renewed normalcy. Want to help? You can donate, volunteer, or share our mission to help make wishes come true. Call us at (877) 206-9474 or visit wish.org/oki/ways-help-us.

About Synergize

Synergize is a family of business and community leaders united by a commitment to reject transactional relationships. Their members, who value real connection and community impact, live by the motto, “Relationships Over Everything.” Their only rule? No Jerks! To join the Synergize movement, visit www.synergizeindy.com.