Tiffany Goodyear

Tiffany Goodyear

What do you want the world to know you for? I try to be scrupulously honest and objective. I am not always right, but I don't lie. I make mistakes, and when I find I have made one, I will admit it. I observe everything around me & I'm an extrovert. I am very loyal wife, mom, and friend...I love my circle fiercely. I am a daughter of Christ. I love regardless of race, religion, community, education or economic status. I try to always lend a helping hand with no expectations in return.
What problem are you passionate about solving? World hunger, but Child hunger in particular. It just breaks my heart.
How do you define success? Success to me is going to bed at night knowing I TRIED my best to accomplish a set goal with love and passion. Doing it because it means something to me and not just because of money.
Your greatest piece of advice? Be yourself, be genuine and authentic. Humble and kind. Ask for help when you need it, but give back with zero expectation in return.
Most impactful quote? "Only those who have learned the power of sincere and selfless contribution experience life's deepest joy: true fulfillment.” ~ Tony Robbins
What is your Big Hairy Audacious Goal? To sell the wholsesale division of our company within the next 10 years and retire. We would love to just travel and live our lives freely helping do something with a positive impact in each community we visit! That's definitely my life dream / goal!

Tiffany Goodyear Information

  • Position:
  • Co-Owner/Finance and HR at Indy Facets Private Jeweler